Have you ever thought about people who had enough misfortune in their life and never had the chance to learn something that comes so natural to the rest of us like shopping for clothes or basic social skills? How about people who have never found their role models who would motivate them into following their dreams or even having any dreams?
Both IT and psychology are interesting fields of expertise. What would happen if you would merge them into one taking best of both?
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
It's all your fault
In today's world, people are mainly interested in being right. In their faith, in their beliefs, in their views, in their opinions. And also in workplace. Imagine you have two people defending opposing views, not being able to accept any form of defeat. Just locked in infinite battle of who is right, never discovering the real truth.
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Art is not design
I feel like many people view art and design as the same thing or blur the differences to make them feel more of the same. Meanwhile those two things are quite different in its nature. Art plays a role in design. Art as whole is not design though. There is difference there. Art is an expression of the artist while design is an expression of the users.
Friday, 23 December 2016
I want it to be good, cheap and fast
Negotiating with clients is topic of its own. Most likely there are whole books written on that subject. And even though there are multiple levels of understanding client perspective and discussing it, there is one I want to discuss today. The triangle of quality, speed and price.
Selling by lying
Creating a presentation can be a bummer. There are times when you are asked to say something but you have nothing to say. Potentially even worse are times when you are asked to promote product you know is not good. In those situations you need to be mindful of one thing - pretending you are someone you are not. It can get you into lots of trouble. Preaching water and drinking wine will get noticed by your audience.
Monday, 19 December 2016
My take on presentations
During my vacation I realized that I rather watch useless YouTube videos filled with somewhat irrelevant informations than archives of presentations, lectures and conferences on subjects I care about. I tried to figure out why this is the case. I came to conclusion that the reason for it is the way presentations and lectures start.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Saving money by neglecting
It is simple, can we do it cheaper? Can we skip these steps to save money? My friend can do this in a day, your company should be able to do it in a day aswell. These are the 101 must say sentences for majority of the clients you will meet. How to fight it?
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Step back and say "No"
From time to time, everyone is asked to work on horrible project with no organization, management and strategy. These projects tend to be frustrating, stressful and an absolute nightmare.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Ask questions
It is not the method of development, process of solving an issue, or having the potentially best idea that matters. It is the questions you ask. For the right questions can make or break the best of ideas for a product.
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Workshops for students of secondary school
Some time ago I had the opportunity to organize workshop for students of secondary school. Topic was open, so I decided to talk about UX and design. Challenge was that non of these students came to that school to do design, they were studying networking (internet, routers, switches...) So I had to ask myself, what should I do to reach them and what knowledge would they benefit from in their roles?